Saturday, April 11, 2009

Lazy Saturday

Things are still coming along pretty well, and lots of the basics of gameplay are done, and looking back at the big picture I realize just how far I've come in five days. I'm really pleased with this.

I added in item dialogs that allow you to loot them (e.g. from treasure chests), buy them and sell them. Merchants are all autonomous and have a lot of functionality, allowing for a diverse market that encourages travel. This will be a big step in laying the foundation for the game itself.
I've enabled animation overrides and temporary control-deprivation (just means you won't be able to jump when you shouldn't, for example) and I've also finished throwing in the ability to equip and use items, so with these combined I've got on-command actions and animations, which can later be worked into short, simplistic cutscenes.
Here's a look at some of what's new, including the two equippable items, paper and pebbles:

Some of the useable items are a lot of fun.

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