What a day it's been.
Got a lot done today. Added in the remaining UI elements, or at least the majority of them. Here's what we're looking at:
At the top, you'll be able to toggle between either the world mini-map or the Little Thing field guide our plucky protagonist is processing and penning.
The minimap is straightforward enough, showing all rooms you've been to and all exits from those rooms, making it easy to find your way around and keep track of places you've yet to explore. The minimap display can be switched out for the field guide display at any time by simply clicking the map or the book in the cluster of key items at the bottom center of the screen.
The Field Guide has two sections: on the right,
the checklist, a grid of icons representing all the Things you've already caught. Click on one to jump to its page. On the left,
the book lists important information about that particular Thing, including picture, name, where to find more, what it eats, if you'll need any special equipment to catch one, what containers it can be safely placed into, and finally a brief description of the critter and information on how to encourage a metamorphosis. When you catch one, all this information is automatically filled in by the protagonist, except for metamorphosis info, which is only unlocked when you successfully provoke the change. However, it is possible to fill in information in the guide without having caught the creature: books, gossip, common knowledge, and even at-a-cost info can dole out vital stats on uncaught creatures, including useful stuff like where to find one and what you'll need to catch it. Sometimes you might even get tips on how to make the creatures change as well.
The Inventory is simple enough: common, non-container items you collect will show up here. This includes food you can feed to your captured Little Things, tools, traps, pebbles, consumables, and so on. The quantity carried will be listed with it. Right-click any inventory item for a list of actions you can take -- generally examining, using, equipping, selling, or giving the item to a creature. Actions you can take on an item appear as icons in a dynamic radial menu, whose function is displayed when you mouse over them. Item names are also displayed on mouseover. This way, the inventory remains compact and orderly, without denying any necessary functions to the player.
Besides the radial menu, there are a number of neat features to the inventory. For example, each item has a designated space. If you've never found that item, the space will be blank. If you are carrying the item, it will be displayed in its space. If you had the item at one point but ran out and are no longer carrying any, the space will retain a silhouette of the item, and will still tell you its name when you mouse over it.
The Coinpouch simply displays the number of coins you are carrying in various denominations. You start out with gold coins, and the other lists will appear when you collect your first coin of that type.
Certain societies may only accept one type of coin, and some coins may have special, specific functions. Generally though, gold is the most common form of currency.
The Container Belt displays all your carried Little Thing Containers. The number of containers you can carry at one time is increased as the game progresses.
Containers are what you need to catch and store Little Things. Catching one with no free container is pointless -- you can't keep it! Containers come in 12 major types and are divided into 4 categories. You can find containers but generally they are purchased at merchants. Different merchants will sell not only different kinds of containers, but different colors! You may find one merchant selling blueglass and one selling greenglass. The difference is mostly an aesthetic one, whichever you prefer to keep your specific Things in. Things also come in slight color variations, with occasional rarities marking wildly different hues. It all depends on the type of creature, but no two are exactly alike!
When carrying an occupied container, you can give items to the occupying creature, switch the creature out into another container, set it free, examine it closely, or do a number of other things. But because space is limited, any Little Things you don't immediately need should be brought back home to your Collector's Hut and dropped off in storage, freeing up room to carry new, empty containers into the field.
Things can be sold and sometimes people will request a specific Thing in exchange for some kind of reward, so remember that there's no harm in catching multiples of the same species. A collector has to afford new gear somehow!
I feel like I've got a lot done yesterday. Many things mentioned above are still in the planning stages, but the bulk of the UI has been finished, and the task now is to work on integrating it all directly into the main gameplay. I'd say this is coming along quite nicely.
The new demo is
HERE as before.
Note that the controls have changed. Hit F1 for a full list of commands.
You may want to notice in particular that the field guide and minimap can be swapped out with the digits 1 and 2.